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Geen enkele refo-dominee ageert publiek-radicaal tegen de nazi-abortus-praktijken in eigen land, netzomin het links-liberale duo RD/SGP dat doet, laat staan dat zij het doen zoals de Amerikaanse attorney/educator, Laura Hollis, dat onverschrokken doet.
Laura: "One cheer for Planned Parenthood, that's like renaming Auschwitz but keeping the ovens!!"
By Laura Hollis Published July 23, 2020 at 7:26pm
Laura Hollis: "20 million black souls have been aborted, more than those brought in the slave trade !"
For years, pro-life activists - including and especially African Americans involved in the pro-life cause - have called attention to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and her deeply racist views.
Sanger was an unabashed eugenicist who believed that entire races and classes of people were inferior and thus "unfit" to reproduce; their expanding birthrate was, in Sanger's view, "the greatest present menace to civilization." This included immigrants, those with mental illness, the poor, the "Asiatic races" and blacks, whom she called "human weeds."
The left, which purports to care about the poor and to champion equality for black Americans, has always ignored the explicit racism of Planned Parenthood's founder. But in today's fraught climate where statues and monuments of historic figures are vandalized and torn down, Sanger could no longer remain unscathed.
This past week, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced it is renaming the Margaret Sanger Health Center in Manhattan and Margaret Sanger Square, where the building sits, as "a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood's contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color."
One cheer for Planned Parenthood. That's like renaming Auschwitz but keeping the ovens It's hard to see how the abortion giant is going to remediate the shockingly disparate impact its practices have had on the black community in the United States. A majority of Planned Parenthood offices are located within walking distance of minority communities. Blacks represent roughly 13% of the U.S. population but have up to 40% of all abortions annually. Across the country, nearly 30% of all regnancies in black women are terminated.
In 2011, more than 360,000 black babies were aborted; that number was greater than all the deaths of black Americans that year from all other causes combined. In response, a Texas pro-life organization created billboards with the tagline "The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb."
Lawsuits were filed that demanded the billboards be taken down - which they were. (The truth is an unwelcome guest in the abortion industry.) But the uproar did not die down, particularly after a 2013 report issued by the New York City government revealed that more black babies were aborted than were born.
George Floyd or Trayvon Martin? One answer is so unpleasant and painful that we rarely hear it explicitly stated: It's because those responsible want those lives extinguished. Indeed, that is the rallying cry of so many feminists who say, "Shout your abortion," "Abortion is health care" and "Free abortion on demand and without apology."
In other words, those lives don't matter because someone wants them gone.
A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy is clearly a very different actor than, say, a street criminal who shoots a rival gang member. But at the core of each act is a belief that says, "I have the power; therefore, I have the right."
Denying the humanity of the unborn child – something advancing science and technology has made much more difficult – is just one of the ugly pathologies abortion contributes to. A society that celebrates abortion sends the message to children that their existence depends upon the whim of another, and that their value is contingent, at best.
Abortion has also become a form of birth control, a stopgap in a culture that values pleasure over self-restraint and personal responsibility. The same attitudes that demand easy access for abortion to end the pregnancies that casual sex often produces are also behind the explosion of children born outside of marriage, the increased likelihood of criminality among fatherless boys, the poorer educational outcomes and the generational poverty, with all its attendant physical and societal ills.
This country's elite - our political, academic and entertainment/media classes – are, as it happens, overwhelmingly white and disproportionately left-wing. Within these groups are many loud voices promoting lifestyles of promiscuous sexuality, dispensing with marital fidelity and downplaying the need for the nuclear family. Their wealth can insulate them – at least in part – from the consequences of their foolishness. That is not true of our poor, who have borne the brunt of our careless societal experimentation, and who cannot afford the au pairs, nannies, pricy preschools, nutritionists, tutors, therapists, counselors and expensive rehab facilities that the rich employ to buttress their lives and those of their children.
This self-indulgent irresponsibility among the truly privileged is, in and of itself, not only a form of racism but of callousness toward all human beings. To do whatever one wants, whatever the impact on others, is consummate selfishness.
We will never achieve a truly compassionate and egalitarian society unless we abandon the selfishness that got us here. Abortion is proof. In a society where unborn lives do not matter, no lives matter!
The absurd "abortion is MORAL" claim: No better than China !
By Laura Hollis Published November 21, 2019 at 7:23pm
Laura Hollis spotlights Planned Parenthoods recent lies of breathtaking scope!
A new documentary titled "One Child Nation" is one of the most recent takes on China's one-child policy imposed between 1980 and 2016 that was supposed to lift the nation out of poverty but ended up turning a cultural preference for boys into the widespread "gendercide" of millions of baby girls.
Others have explored the horrific implications of this policy. Nine years ago, The Economist provided the shocking statistic that 100 million baby girls had been aborted, killed after birth, abandoned or sold to child trafficking gangs who then sell the babies to foreigners for large sums of money.
Many writers describe the horror. Not as many honestly discuss how China got to the point where babies could be drowned in buckets of water; strangled with their own umbilical cord; tossed into dumpsters and waterways; or thrown, newly born, into public streets, where they were ignored by passersby and left to cry and die of exposure - that is, if they were not run over by vehicles. And then there were the forced abortions - even of full-term babies - and the brutal sterilizations of women.
When confronted with abject evils like those described above, it is so tempting to assume that the human beings responsible for the design and implementation of those policies did so specifically to cause evil. But this is almost never the case. To the contrary, policies like China's - and the diabolical practices by which those policies are enforced - are almost always pitched as a mechanism for achieving good. But in order to obtain widespread buy-in to such abject deceit, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that there is no ultimate definition of good - no absolute standard by which "good" and "evil" can be evaluated independently of what the public is told to believe.
No doubt there are plenty of historical, political and even cultural reasons why millions of babies were aborted, abandoned after birth or deliberately killed. But the overarching reason is that the Chinese government (plus Western pro-abortion-governments) set itself up as God. There can be no authority higher than that of the humans in control, no objectives better than the policies they themselves dictate and no criteria by which the "goodness" of those objectives is independently assessed. The government has decided that X should be done, and, therefore, X is good and shall be done. Any means by which X is achieved is, therefore, also good – as long as the government says so. This is how the government could order the Chinese people to perpetrate inhuman crimes against the most innocent, and the Chinese people would do it.
We are sooooo close here in the United States, too. So close that abortion activists can almost taste it. Just look at the evolution of abortion – particularly the language used by activists – and what is happening to those who seek to expose the truth about it.
Back when abortion was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court opinion Roe. v. Wade, abortion activists like NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood could get away with lies and euphemisms, assuring a largely ignorant public that unborn children were just "clumps of cells" and "products of conception." The invention of ultrasound made the old lies much more difficult.
During President Bill Clinton's administration, Democrats were calling for abortion to be "safe, legal and rare." But that suggested that abortion was somehow less than desirable. That would never do.
Abortion activists changed their tack and went on offense. Now we see efforts to persuade the public that abortion is a good thing. First there was the "Shout Your Abortion" movement. This past week, Planned Parenthood tweeted: "Abortion is MORAL. It is IMPORTANT. It is HEALTH CARE."
These are lies of breathtaking scope, worthy of China's one-child propaganda machine, Nazi mastermind Josef Goebbels or George Orwell: "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Abortion is moral."
Planned Parenthood has become aggressive and brazen. It is no longer enough to tolerate abortion, or to use rare and sympathetic cases like conception following rape or incest, or gross fetal abnormalities to argue for abortion's legality. Now the line is that killing your own children is the moral thing to do.
Facts that prove the "narrative" wrong are ignored – or worse. When the story of the gruesome practices in abortionist (and convicted murderer) Kermit Gosnell's butcher shop came to light (practices that would have been right at home in 1980s China), abortion activists simply ignored it. (And the media helped cover it up.)
Perhaps the most shocking facts that have come to light about the abortion industry are the reports of sales of baby body parts – and the callousness of those involved in the abortion and dismemberment of fetuses whose body parts could be sold. Undercover journalist and prolife activist David Daleiden exposed this to the public four years ago in a series of video recordings of conversations with abortion doctors and other clinic employees and technicians. Did Daleiden receive the hero's welcome that we're told whistleblowers deserve?
Hardly. First, a judge ordered the videos banned. Then, Daleiden and his partner Sandra Merritt were charged in California under the RICO statute (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act) - legislation that was passed to prosecute the Mafia. Last week, a alifornia jury found Daleiden and Merritt guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud, trespassing and illegal recording, and awarded Planned Parenthood over $2 million in damages. Another criminal trial is beginning in December.
Not only are the abortion doctors demanding that we see abortion as moral; anyone who dares tell the real truth will be tried and convicted. Because the truth is whatever Planned Parenthood says it is. Just like China.