PS 1. Ook dr. A. Huijgen schreeuwt om een beschikbaarheidsversnelling van het corona-baby-cell-vaccin, ofwel om de versnelling van abortus-holocaust ! En deze RD-blog-duivels worden niet gecensureerd !
PS 2. Laat pilatus-ds. A. Kort ophouden een eieren-voor-zijn geld-kiezende slachtofferrol te spelen, maar publiek voor God en de mensen schuld bekennen omtrent zijn zelf veroorzaakte kerkportaal-escalatie krachtens zijn onwettige voeten-lik-brief aan de gemeenteraad van Krimpen; zijn recente dubbele-tong-praat jegens de c-maatregelen en zijn geveinsde gordijn-houding jegens 2 gomorriaanse deurbellers; zijn laaghartige broedermoord op broeder Jurie; zijn ontheologische dwaalboeken, enz. Zolang ds. Kort zijn pilatus-mond houdt over de killer-c-vaccins en the bigger picture behind; zijn eigen oudgeraffineerde SGPlayers (Bruijn-Staaij) de handen boven het hoofd houdt; zich niet publiek vrijmaakt van het refo-deepstate-duo SGP/RD en van de roepende refo-sodomie, zal God hem containers aan "beslommeringen" bezorgen, die hij destijds achteloos-vroom aan de kant geschoven heeft, en daarmee zijn eigen schapen op de brede 14 stijft.
WHAT WAS THE BIGGEST KILLER IN 2020? No, it wasn't coronavirus = flu(!), nor was it cancer or heart attacks. - "According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 73.3 million abortions take place every year, with almost 30 per cent of pregnancies ending in abortion!" (Note: Just one abortion is one too much)!
The actual numbers may vary each year, but abortion remains the bigget killer of human beings on the planet, and the God Who made man in His image will hold both murderers and mothers accountable.
Abortion was the biggest cause of death worldwide in 2020 - responsible for more fatalities than cancer, heart disease and coronavirus put together.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 73.3 million abortions take place every year, with almost 30 per cent of pregnancies ending in abortion.
The data group Worldometer estimates all other causes of death totalled nearly 59 million last year - meaning abortion is responsible for around 55 per cent of all deaths.
Other deaths By comparison, communicable diseases were estimated to be responsible for 13 million deaths, and cancer for around 8 million worldwide. Coronavirus was reported to be behind more than 1.8 million deaths. (Note: With other words: every year approx 1.8 million deaths because of the flu).
WHO estimates approximately 200,000 abortions take place every day - or more than two every second - meaning more than 3 million abortions have already taken place this year.
Last year, obtaining an abortion in the UK became easier than ever before, with Westminster politicians imposing a liberal abortion regime on Northern Ireland in March to allow abortion up to twelve weeks for any reason, up to 24 for most reasons, and up to birth if the unborn child is deemed to have a disability.
In England, Wales and Scotland, emergency coronavirus measures were used to introduce DIY home abortions, whereby women can now obtain abortion pills following only a telephone or video consultation, and without having been seen in person. Despite concerns that the practice is unsafe, politicians are consulting on making the temporary changes permanent.
Sources: https://www.christian.org.uk/news/abortion-the-biggest-cause-of-death-in-2020-by-far/