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Zolang we geen bewijs op tafel hebben van minstens 5 genuanceerde vlammende protest-brieven tegen het landverraderlijke fascistische pro neo-nazi-duo RD/SGP, met name verzonden aan refo-war-criminals, Steef en Staaij, is het publiceren van preken dan nog wel een optie?


Europarlementarier Marchel de Graaff: "Niet de acties van Rusland moeten veroordeeld worden, maar die van de EU"

2 maart 2022


Europarlementarier Marcel de Graaff (FVD) heeft tegen een resolutie van het Europees Parlement gestemd die oproept tot een hardere aanpak van Rusland. Hij vindt dat Europa moet stoppen met het uitlokken van een nucleaire oorlog met Rusland.

"De EU en NAVO zijn opgerukt tot aan de grenzen van Rusland. Ook Oekraine, de achtertuin van Rusland, moest en zou in het westerse machtsblok getrokken worden," zegt De Graaff in een videoboodschap.

"De Verenigde Staten hebben daar inmiddels 12 laboratoria waar biowapens worden ontwikkeld. Indien Oekraine lid wordt van de NAVO dan staan de atoomraketten op de drempel van Rusland," waarschuwt het Europarlementslid.

Het Westen heeft deze militaire operatie zelf uitgelokt
President Poetin heeft maandenlang gewaarschuwd dat Rusland dit niet kan toestaan. De veiligheid, het voortbestaan van Rusland, is in het geding. President Poetin heeft ook bij herhaling gezegd dat Rusland met militaire middelen haar veiligheid zou garanderen indien de NAVO dit niet zou doen. Door deze waarschuwingen te negeren en de zorgen van Rusland niet serieus te nemen, heeft het Westen deze militaire operatie in Oekraine zelf uitgelokt, aldus De Graaff.

"Met deze resolutie gooit de EU weer olie op het vuur vanuit haar blinde machtswellust," waarschuwt hij. "En nog steeds hebben de incapabele en onverantwoordelijke bestuurders niet begrepen dat ze te ver zijn gegaan."

Het gaat niet om vrijheid en democratie in Oekraine, want burgers in de EU-lidstaten hebben zelf geen vrijheid en democratie meer. Dat is nog maar schijn. De elite zegt zelf dat de dictatuur van de coronamaatregelen en de coronanoodwetten het nieuwe normaal is. Het gaat uitsluitend om meer macht, stelt De Graaff.

Het is nog niet te laat
"Niet Rusland moet gestopt worden, niet de acties van Rusland moeten veroordeeld worden, maar die van de EU, met haar onstuitbare drang naar het Oosten, met haar dictatoriale grootheidswaan. De enige uitweg uit deze levensgevaarlijke situatie is de-escaleren, is een stap terug doen door de EU en de NAVO."

Rusland moet de toezegging krijgen dat Oekraine nooit lid zal worden van de EU of van de NAVO. Alle sancties moeten worden ingetrokken. Het is nog niet te laat. Alleen zo kunnen we een catastrofe afwenden, besluit de Europarlementarier.


Vrouw vertelt live op Franse tv de waarheid over Oekraine, presentatoren verbijsterd
2 maart 2022 18:00


Afgelopen donderdag was ene Victoria, een Oekraiense vrouw die al 25 jaar in Frankrijk woont, te gast in het programma Brunet & Cie op de Franse nieuwszender LCI, om de kijker bij te praten over de situatie in Oekraine. De presentatoren hadden waarschijnlijk verwacht dat de vrouw een tirade zou afsteken tegen Poetin, maar er gebeurde iets heel anders.

De vrouw zei dat twee miljoen mensen onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden leven in Oekraine. Ze zei dat de energierekening flink is gestegen en dat veel mensen de helft van hun salaris kwijt zijn aan stookkosten.


"Waarom zouden we deze president en zijn marionettenregering moeten verdedigen?" vroeg Victoria. "De economie zakt in elkaar, corruptie is wijdverspreid." Presentator Eric Brunet vroeg zich verbijsterd af: "Heeft u het over Zelensky?"

"Natuurlijk, wie anders?" zei ze. "Hij is absoluut geen democratisch leider. Hij heeft vier tv-stations gesloten. Er zijn journalisten verdwenen. Mensen zeggen dat Russische journalisten aan de lopende band worden vermoord. Er worden ook Oekraiense journalisten vermoord. De afgelopen jaren zijn er veel journalisten gedood."

Brunet vroeg Victoria of het klopt dat sommige inwoners van Kiev blij zijn dat de Russen het land zijn binnengevallen. "Absoluut," antwoordde ze, toevoegende dat veel Oekrainers betwijfelen of de verkiezingen eerlijk zijn verlopen.

Brunet zei vervolgens dat er democratische methoden zijn om de overheid te veranderen als je ontevreden bent over de gang van zaken. Daarop zei een van de gasten: "Vergeet niet dat er in februari 2014 een staatsgreep is gepleegd tegen de democratisch gekozen president."


Military: "Biden has NO Nuclear Launch Codes"
By Michael Baxter -February 28, 2022


The man calling himself President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, cannot precipitate an atomic apocalypse because he does not have the codes needed to launch our nation's strategic nuclear arsenal, a high-ranking military source told Real Raw News.

Although sources have in past times conveyed that message, RRN wanted reassurance that the bonkers Biden administration lacked both authority and ability to plunge our nation into a premeditated nuclear holocaust.

"The nuclear triad is safe. No one in the administration has them," said our source, who sits in the office of Marine Corps General David H. Berger.

"When President Trump signed the Insurrection Act, he gave U.S. Armed Forces provisional control of the government. Only two people in the country can rescind the act, Gen. Berger, or Trump himself," he added.

"And let's be clear: If anyone launches on the U.S., we retaliate. But the decisions are in the hands of lifelong patriotic soldiers sworn to uphold the Constitution. Biden has no nuclear launch codes. He couldn't launch a fart," he went on.


"Moving, But Completely Fake": Russian Diplomat Catches State Department in a Lie About Ukraine Op

8 hours ago (Updated: 3 hours ago)


The Russian military operation in Ukraine has been accompanied by an unprecedented number of videos, tweets and social media posts painting conflicting and often contradictory pictures of the reality on the ground, with the campaign of information and misinformation becoming just as important in winning hearts and minds as the operation itself.
Russian deputy ambassador to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy has caught US officials in a bald-faced lie in their reporting on the Russian operation in Ukraine.
US deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman and State Department spokesman Ned Price posted a viral video snippet from Ukrainian UN ambassador to Ukraine Sergiy Kyslytsya's speech on Monday reading what the Ukrainian diplomat claimed was a smartphone texting exchange between a Russian soldier and his mother.
"Mama, this is so hard." That was the last text this Russian mother received from her son before he was killed during fighting in Ukraine. President Putin putting Russians" lives at risk. #StopTheLies," Price wrote in a tweet accompanying the video.
"Moving, but completely fake." Polyanskiy responded. "Soldiers do not use phones, especially with internet access, during combat actions. Nor do they carry passports which is common in other fakes on allegedly killed or captured Russian servicemen," the diplomat wrote.
Moving, but completely fake. Soldiers do not use phones, especially with internet access, during combat actions. Nor do they carry passports which is common in other fakes on allegedly killed or captured Russian servicemen #fakenews https://t.co/4GMdgQr4EO

- Dmitry Polyanskiy (@Dpol_un) March 1, 2022
In a second tweet, Polyanskiy posted a link to an "anti-fake guide" on China's WeChat "for our Chinese friends who are also actively targeted by #Ukraine fake-makers." The guide dissects dozens upon dozens of images posted by Western media and authorities in recent days about the Ukraine crisis turning out to have nothing to do with the crisis.
An anti-fake guide for our Chinese friends who are also actively targeted by #Ukraine fake-makers @ChinaAmbUN @CHN_UN_NY @Chinamission2un https://t.co/ge3DAa6K35

- Dmitry Polyanskiy (@Dpol_un) March 1, 2022
The tremendous amount of fake information being generated online in connection with the Russian military operation in Ukraine has prompted even traditional mainstream US media to create guides for spotting fakes. On Monday, Russian ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia addressed the spread of "fake news" related to the Russian operation in Ukraine, including claims that troops were deliberately targeting civilians.


German MP Says NATO Responsible For Ukraine Crisis, Should Have Guaranteed Neutral Status
02:45 GMT 01.03.2022 (Updated: 23 hours ago)


According to the member of the Bundestag, the debate about Ukraine's NATO membership was the trigger for the current events. The West's unwillingness to make concessions to Russia on such a key issue offended Moscow.
Alice Weidel, a co-leader of the German political party Alternative for Germany, also known as AfD, presented her view of the current tense situation around Ukraine, calling it "a failure of the West," while also adding that it failed to ensure Kiev's neutrality at an early stage.
Speaking in the German parliament on Sunday, the politician said that her party wishes that timely measures had been made "to put Ukraine and all other surrounding countries on a neutral status and not continuously pushing the frontiers of NATO's eastward expansion."
"The problem was Ukraine, the problem of the lack of neutrality status, and that was slept through," Weidel emphasized.

Weidel expressed an opinion that fulfilling the promise of Ukraine's neutrality could have reassured Russia about its security concerns. Weidel pointed out that Moscow had articulated the problem clearly for 20 years. And the US, for instance, would not tolerate any hostile power in its backyard, she added.
Weidel reiterated that this "insult" to Russia was the main reason for the situation in Ukraine. And more to that, the West bears some responsibility for the situation, because the hardliners have stuck rigidly to the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO and, in doing so, arrogantly denied Russia's status as a great power.
"This is the historic failure of the West: the insult to Russia," she underscored.

According to the member of parliament, "it was a total mistake" to tease Ukraine with unfulfillable promises, such as they would be able to join the EU and NATO.
"Thus, we lured Ukraine into this situation and this dangerous test," Weidel said.
NATO and above all Germany and France should have intervened early on, said the politician. Moreover, the current crisis sets political processes in motion "that we may no longer be able to control afterwards."
"In its current state, Germany has nothing to offer to follow the words with days," Weidel said. "Sanctions that harm their own citizens more than those they target cannot end the war. They are ultimately alibi politics - like illuminating the Brandenburg Gate in the Ukrainian national colors."
Western nations have increased sanctions pressure on Russia after it launched a special military operation in Ukraine following requests for help from Donbas.
The Russian Defense Ministry has said that the operation is targeting only the military infrastructure of Ukraine and that the civilian population is not in danger. Moscow says it has no plans to occupy Ukraine and that the purpose of its operation is to save the civilian population from genocide and liberate the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, namely through the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.


Moscow Has No Plans to Occupy Ukraine, Russia's UN Envoy Says
Yesterday (Updated: Yesterday) 28.02.2022


The Russian army and Donbass militia forces began a military operation in Ukraine on Thursday after months of escalation and weeks of artillery, mortar and sniper attacks by Ukrainian forces in the Donbass conflict zone. The US and its allies responded by slapping Russia with new sanctions and promising over $850 million more in arms for Kiev.
Moscow has no plans to "occupy" Ukraine, and Russian forces do not pose any threat to Ukrainian civilians or civilian infrastructure, Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, has said.
"The occupation of Ukraine is not part of our plans. The purpose of this special operation is to protect people [in the Donbass] who have been subjected to abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years. For this, it is necessary to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine," Nebenzya said, speaking at an emergency session of the UN General Assembly on Monday.

"We will also strive to bring to justice those who committed countless and bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation," the envoy said.
According to Nebenzya, in addition to its primary mission, Russia's military operation is an exercise of Moscow's right to self-defence "against a regime which has sought to restore access to nuclear weapons" -a reference to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's remarks at the Munich Security Conference on 19 February, in which he threatened to revise Kiev's non-nuclear status.
"I want to emphasize the following: the root for the current crisis lies in the actions of Ukraine itself. For many years, it sabotaged and flouted its obligations under the Minsk package of measures," Nebenzya said, referring to the 2015 Minsk Agreements on peace in the Donbass.
"Until very recently, there was a hope that Kiev would reconsider and comply with what they signed onto in 2015. For that, first and foremost, what was required was direct dialogue between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk. However the latest confirmation from the senior leadership of the country was that Ukraine was unwilling to engage in this dialogue, unwilling to take steps to grant special status to Donbass as set out in the Minsk Agreements. And this was actively supported by the Western patrons of Kiev. This persuaded us of the fact that we no longer had a right to allow the residents of Donbass to suffer any further," Nebenzya said.

The envoy stressed that the recent Ukrainian provocations in the Donbass, including the surge of shelling and sabotage attacks on Donbass militia positions and cities, prompted the DPR and LPR to appeal for Russian support, and forcing Moscow to act.

Russia is submitting to the UN General Assembly a draft resolution on strengthening the arms control system, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.02.2022
UN General Assembly Holds Emergency Session on Ukraine

Ukraine in NATO is "Red Line" for Russia
Nebenzya also commented on Washington and NATO's roles in escalating the Ukrainian crisis, accusing them of egging Kiev on to act with impunity in the Donbass.
"Moreover, our Western colleagues have shamelessly inundated the country with weapons, have sent instructors to the country and effectively incited Ukrainians to engage in an armed provocation against the Donbass," he said.
Nebenzya warned that "the deployment of NATO infrastructure in [Ukraine] would compel us to take such measures in response which that would put Russia and NATO on the brink of conflict."
"For us, Ukraine joining NATO is a red line, first and foremost from a military strategic level," the envoy stressed.


Russia Envoy to UN Addresses Fake Information in Social Media About Russia's Spec Op in Ukraine



The Russian military says that Kiev has been using its own people as human shields and spreading fake videos with the clear aim of later accusing Russia of targeting civilians. The envoy called on his colleagues to not fall victim to this information war, acknowledging, however, that sadly his calls "will not be heard."
Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, on Sunday, spoke about the tremendous spread of disinformation and "fake news" regarding Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, including claims of "bombardment" of civilian facilities.
"Today we witness an information war on Russia in social media. Since there are no proofs that Russian military destroy civilian infrastructure, Ukrainian strikes and occasional hits are presented as such, as well as photo and video footage from Donbas that again depict crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists," the diplomat said.

"Besides," he added, "in social media one can easily find tutorials that teach how to shoot fakes that should defile our special operation. All in all, there are 1.2 million such fakes in Ukrainian social media."
The envoy also reiterated evidence of Kiev using civilians as human shields, which is a violation of international humanitarian law that has been so far ignored by Western politicians and received no coverage in foreign media, despite being witnessed by ordinary Ukrainians, in tactics similar to "that of [Daesh*] terrorists". He added that "all responsibility for possible consequences rests with the Maidan regime."
Nebenzia also pointed to the alarming situation with the uncontrolled distribution of weapons by radicals and authorities to anyone willing to obtain them, including criminals, with looters already acquiring them. There are videos on social media alleging that people have already been shot due to this situation, though their authenticity cannot be confirmed, and the Ukrainian authorities remain silent on the issue.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian army has been placing artillery in residential areas, a technique it acquired from the US military & intelligence, in order to trigger return fire on innocent people: "These methods are actively used by terrorists supervised by the CIA in the Middle East and other countries."
What's more, the Russian MoD said on Sunday that the Ukrainian forces used phosphorus munition outside Kiev — this kind of weapons is prohibited by the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons as inhumane.
While EU states claimed on Sunday they would prefer negotiations to resolve the Ukraine crisis, several members of the bloc have announced more arms deliveries for the country, with Germany alone pledging to provide 1,000 anti-tank guns and 500 Stinger missiles.

No Words of Sympathy for People of Donbas
Russia's envoy also slammed the hypocrisy of Western governments. According to him, he crisis unfolding now did not start with the Russian operation, but 8 years ago, as the residents of Donbas have been exposed to continual aggression from Kiev, and "today you found no words of sympathy for the people of Donbas."
"It is the houses in Donbas that were destroyed by nationalists and Ukraine's armed forces that Western media most often brazenly present as consequences of Russia's military operation in Ukraine."

To date, Kiev has repeatedly violated the Minsk accords by shelling Donbas with weapons prohibited by those agreements, which also envisaged granting special status to Donbas after holding elections there (no steps in this direction have been initiated by Kiev).
Russia announced the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine on Thursday morning, with the goal of defending the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics from what President Putin has called a "genocide" of the Russian-speaking population, targeted by Kiev since the right-wing nationalist government seized power in a coup-d'etat. The latter was hailed by Western powers as an "installation of democracy." The Russian Foreign Ministry said the operation aims at bringing the puppet regime in Kiev to justice for the crimes it has committed.
*A terrorist group banned in Russia and many other states

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