Why are the churches of the Netherlands in deep spiritual emptyness and false religion? Because they forget to pray for the Jewish people! They are busy with church politics! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! God will convert the Jewish people in the end times (Rom. 11).
At one time, Egypt was the envy of the world. No nation touches her for wealth, military power, agriculture or science. In architecture, Egypt had no rivals. She was the most powerful nation on earth. But Egypt made a fatal mistake. The slaves she used to build her empire belonged to someone else. And their rightful Owner watched the Egyptians mistreat His people for 400 years. Now He was going to stop it! When the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt, within 10 weeks, 10 plagues from God turned Egypt upside down. Each plague shot down one of their false gods. When God killed the firstborn in every Egyptian home, Pharaoh decided to let God's people go. When Pharaoh tried to stop them, his mighty army all died in the Red Sea. God's people left Egypt, and took her wealth with them. Egypt was destroyed. (Ex. 12:35-36). Today, Egyptians tour guides can only boast her glorious past. Egypt is now a backward nation, full of memories, relying on others for aid. Egypt is still Israel's enemy!
In 1933, Catholic Germany, serving the Vatican, launched a 20th century inquisition, murdering 6 million Jews. Hitler, who worked closely with the Jesuits, has said: "The Jews are subhuman parasites that must be destroyed." Instead, God destroyed Hitler... and his dreams!
God blessed England because of Queen Victoria. She was a God fearing ruler who read her Bible for guidance. Great Britain grew in power until 1918. But England forgot about God's little-known promise to Israel. "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee", Gen. 12:3. God has cursed England! She is finished as a major power, because she crossed the Jews! Since the World War I, the British Empire is gone! As Hitler's blood bath started in 1938, Jews begged the British for permission to enter Palestine. But their cries fell on deaf ears. They were turned back to Europe and ended up in concentration camps and Nazi ovens. When Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, Great Britain ignored God's promise to Israel. She opposed the Jewish State, backed the Arabs, disarmed the Jews, and staffed the Trans-Jordan Arab Legion with British officers. But today England is in deep trouble! The politic parties are separated as the bones on the grave.
Israel's deadliest enemy is the Vatican. Israel will regret any agreements with Rome. God will destroy the Vatican just before the second coming of the Messiah. (Rev. 18).
Russia was the enemy of Israel... and look at the mess she's in today. And in the future, the Bible says Russia will be destroyed when she moves against Israel. (Ezech. 38 - Magog - ancient name for Russia). That will be Word War III, an one day fire war. One-fourth of the world's population will die (Rev. 6:8).
God has always blessed the U.S. for not persecuting the Jews and for supporting Israel. But now, the whole picture has almost changed. America has armed Israel's enemies, and anti-Semitism is on the rise. As a result, America, now deeply in debt, is becoming a mere puppet to the U.N. and the world court. All because of oil! The U.S. has put herself in jeopardy. America, America, return to the God of Israel!
In the end times, Israel will play a vital role in Bible prophecy. Satan's man (the beast) will arise out of Rome as the world leader. His ultimate goal will be to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. The beast will order all armies of the world to converge on Israel to destroy her. This will be the battle of Armageddon. When all seems lost, Israel's Messiah will come on the clouds to destroy the invading armies and judge all nations that opposed Israel. On that day of judgment all the unconverted people will stand on the left hand side of the King of all kings, to receive their eternal punishment, but God's people will stand on the right hand side of Jesus to go with Him into heaven to glorify His Name for ever and ever. Amen.
PS. It is necessary to preach the Gospel to the Jews, but it is wrong to think the national conversion of the Jews is dependable of the mission activities of the protestant churches. The Lord Himself will fulfill Romans 11 in de day of judgment concerning the enemies of Israel. The mission activities among the Jews by most churches are a waste of time. The Jews are not in need of western theological doctrine, but they need complete Bibles and we have to pray for their conversion. However, the 'Gereformeerde Gemeente Deputaten' has planned to prepare a translation of the doctrine of Rev. G.H. Kersten for the Jews. This is the biggest mistake I've ever heard, because the Jews are not in need of the theological errors of Rev. Kersten. The Jews need to know the living Christ by regeneration. In imitation of dr. A. Comrie, Rev. Kersten starts the regeneration with a 'dr. Habitus-faith' which does not know Christ, but that is not the doctrine of the Bible. Every child of God knows Christ by a living faith, immediately when he is regenerated. And every regenerated child of God is also justified and he knows he is justified by the righteousness of Christ. The false doctrine of Rev. Kersten will lead the Jews into the arms of Rome, but the Lord will save the Jews of all false theological doctrine at His time, and He will convert the Jewish people suddenly and powerful, when the enemies of Israel are gathered together to destroy the Jews and when all their hope is gone. "Concerning Gad, a band will attack him, but he will attack and destroy him at the end."