Dear Piet,
In the midst of nineteenth nineteenth-century Liberalism on the one hand, and the pietism of the "Reveil" on the other, stood three little-known but influential Reformed men who sought to uphold the truth of the justification of the ungodly. These three men, Hermann Friedrich Kohlbrügge, Eduard Böhl, and Johannes Wichelhause, wrote in German and Dutch and remain little known to the English- and French-speaking worlds aside from a few rare and out out-of of-print translations. A few references to them by Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer have sparked some interest in their writings in recent years. However, this appreciation has not made its way to confessional Reformed circles outside of a few Dutch churches. Often misunderstood or blatantly accused of being antinomian and contrary to the Reformed confessions, these men have not been properly appreciated. This series aims to present these three writers to English and French speakers as Further Reformers who sought to uphold the truths of the Reformed Confessions and to further the work of the Reformers by seeking deeper insight into the soteriological truths of the Reformed doctrines. To this end, Texts and Studies in Further Reformation makes available to scholarly and Church audiences reprints of nineteenth century translations that have long since been out of print, translations of key monographs, and scholarly monographs on theological and pastoral aspects of the writings and thoughts of these three men. That is why By Faith Alone Publishing has been created. This is our first publication. Again thank you for your heart for the same cause: further reformation, as Kohlbrügge and Böhl expressed it. The so-called Second Reformation, or 'Further Reformation' (Nadere Reformatie) was by and large de-formation according to Böhl. Kohlbrûgge's exchange with Isaac Da Costa indicated as much as well. In his little book on the incarnation, and its defense against Kuyper's critique (you have it on your website!) Böhl uses the expression that he wished to complete or further the Reformation. We can not let this expression be taken and used by those who were more influenced by the 17th century theological developments, like Voetius, Mastricht etc., during which time, in fact, the darkness of worldly, and fleshly means had entered the camp! The doctrine of justification was snowed under again and everything began to smell like flesh (deadly flesh). On the fertile field of the Reformation corpses where propped up, honoured and displayed, and Christ was buried again by spades of worldly means and ways. As if a corpse could be renewed. Of the finished work of Christ was made a mockery, and the Holy Spirit was relegated to be co-operater. Above all the true comfort of the ungodly believer in Jesus was lost. A new system of laws was erected (NOVA LEX) in terms of marks and signs. If you can find them, please tell me, but I see nothing in myself but a stinking corpse, a bag of worms. This is what further reformation seeks to express to FURTHER Christ and Christ alone (was Christum treibet war der hermeneutische Schlüssel zum Verständnis aller bib- lischen Texte, also auch der alttestamentlichen) was the war cry of Luther and the early Reformers. Yes, what FURTHERS Christ is was furthers the Reformation, because that is how it started!
Blessings, M
Dear M.,
I am working hard on it, namely, 'Series Preface', but I will write the whole book myself, with a reference to the three real further reformed men, Kohlbrugge, Böhl and Wichelhause. You can do it yourself too. Maybe you can publish your doctoral script about Ed Böhl as a second publication, but that is up to you. Remember what the Lord Jesus has said to His disciples: "But ye, who do ye say that I am?" Matth. 16:15. That expression is still valid to us, to be His witness. Bohl's wish to complete the Reformation cannot be completed by him anymore, because Bohl is deceased. We don't pretend to be anything, but to complete the Reformation I cannot let Kohlbrugge pull the trigger alone. My guns are fully loaded by free grace with the bullets of Law and Gospel and I have to empty my guns before it is too dark. I already shot the 17th century theological developments, like Gisbertus Voetius, Peter van Mastricht, Witsius, the current neonomians and all that dear stuff, so that we can continue the real battle against principalities, against authorities, against the universal lords of this darkness, against spiritual power of wickedness in the heavenlies (Eph. 6:12), and also against the never ending NOVA LEX-theology in our days. To conclude, I fully agree with you, but I know a real sign of a bag of worms as I am, namely what Paul said: "What then shall we say? Should we continue in sin that grace may abound? Far be the thought. We who have died to sin, how shall we still live in it?" Rom. 6:1-2. We have to be clear that the experience of faith concerning the doctrine of justification of the ungodly is the opposite of a life in sin and at the same time totally fleshly, sold under sin. That is what Kohlbrugge also teaches. However, the current "Kohlbruggians" consume only the evangelical Kohlbrugge, but they hate his 'second conversion', because they don't want to give up their life in sin. That generation is converted in its own eyes, but it is totally stripped of Kohlbrugge's experience of faith. May the Lord give us free grace and spiritual light to distinguish between those things.
Kind regards,
Yours in Christ,