De Obama-leus: "Gezondheidzorg in Amerika nu voor alle Amerikanen", is pure propaganda, want dit gezondsheidsplan van Obama betekent een verplichte en dure verzekering voor alle Amerikanen, waarvan de helft -dus 150 miljoen- niet in staat zijn hun lopende rekeningen te betalen, laat staan deze verplichte ziektekostenverzekering. Bij in gebreke blijven van betaling bedraagt de boete 700 dollar per onbetaalde rekening. Let echter maar op hoe het RD Obama een applaus zal geven voor dit zogenaamde succes. Ja, de duivel lijkt succes te boeken in onze dagen, maar het heeft ook alles te maken met de oordelen Gods die over de wereld gaan. Dit duivelse zorgplan -waaraan duizenden onbekende regels verbonden zijn die het Amerikaanse volk in slavernij zullen doen storten- zal voor de regering als een boemerang werken en Amerika snel naar de afgrond helpen. De regering Obama zal daarvan ongetwijfeld de bittere vruchten plukken. Of is men er juist opuit om Amerika ten gronde te richten om de NWO erdoor te drukken? God weet het alleen en Hij regeert en zal Zijn almacht tonen.
HEALTH CARE REFORM PASSES; AMERICA IN CRITICAL CONDITION John G. Winder , The Cypress Times Published 03/21/2010 - 9:47 p.m. CST
The shift from personal liberty to federal tyranny is a done deal.
Now that the Health Care Reform bill has passed the House of Representatives, all that stands in the way of final passage is the Senate. This bill will pass the Senate. It will then be signed into law by President Obama and “we the people” will be left to suffer the consequences for the remainder of days that there exists a place called the United States of America.
I would love to see universal health care become a reality in this, and every nation. What Christian wouldn’t? I would love to see universal housing, and universal clothing, and universal assurances that no one will ever again go hungry.
The problem is that no one in the federal government cares even just a little bit about providing any of those things to you even if it could be done.
It's not about you. It's not about me. It's not about health care. It's not about the sick and dying.
* During the course of this debate, President Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 45% * The approval rating of the Congress now sits at 18%. * 46% of our nation's doctors say they'll leave the profession if this legislation passes. * 56% of the American people are opposed to this legislation, yet it powers on toward law.
Politicians, a particularly unique breed of craven coward not known for bucking the will of the people, are now standing up and voting against the will of the people which will almost certainly assure them of losing re-election in just seven months time.
The spin on this transformation is that this smarmy animal (the Politican) has become a suddenly bold, suddenly brave new breed who rather than doing as they have always done (living their lives in double-speak and under the cover of the shadows of relativism) have now grown spines....because they really really care about you.
In fact, they care so much about you that they're willing to put their seats, literally and politically, on the line in order to help you. That’s another lie from a bunch of lying liars.
The truth is that this legislation is not about providing health care for you or me, or for your children or mine. Aside from the taxes you pay, no one in the federal government cares if you live or die.
This legislation is about power.
The Health Care Reform bill contains such a heady aphrodisiac for these lying liars that they are even willing to risk their phony-baloney jobs to dare to reach for power of this magnitude. This is a kind of power heretofore unimaginable in our once free republic.
To paraphrase a line from Bill Clinton's first presidential race, "It is about the power, stupid."
It’s about the federal government having power over each state.
It’s about the federal government having power over the individual.
This legislation is all about power. Your health. Your future. Your opinion doesn't come into play. This is not a bill about giving to you - it's a bill about taking from you.
This law is all about tearing your few remaining freedoms from your tightly clinched fists and putting the federal government in charge of every aspect of your life. Some of you know this. Others of you are foolishly handing over your freedom in the blind hope that you can trust your government. You’re placing your hope and faith in the most leaky of vessels; a politician. Others of you still are selling your freedom for a misguided belief that you’re getting something “Free”.
The power transfer is going to happen. The shift from personal liberty to federal tyranny is a done deal.
So, what now?
Now, those of us who disagree with this legislation can, and will, look for new candidates to support in order to replace those deaf Democrats who made this bill the law of the land.
We'll have a litmus test for all candidates,"Will you work to repeal health care reform?" Those we support will answer, "Yes." In fact, those wannabe leaders will shout from the roof tops for all to hear, "I will repeal the health care bill."
We might be successful. Let’s assume for a moment that we are successful.
Let’s assume that come November, the GOP sweeps back to power in the Congress. Let’s assume that every single Democrat who voted for Health Care Reform gets booted out. Let’s assume that every Democratic Senator who voted for this bill, and stands for re-election in 2010, gets booted out.
What then?
Once they’re elected and sitting in that federal office behind that federal desk feeling the surge of federal power race through their beings, they will NEVER repeal health care reform.
You’ll elect each of them based on their promise to repeal the bill. But when they get into office, they’ll immediately realize that they now control all of the power. That power is the most enticing, addictive drug of all to those lying liars who want to “lead” our country.
Do you remember how the Democrats railed against “The Patriot Act” and the irresponsible powers that it provided the President of the United States? What happened to “The Patriot Act” when the Dems took office? Did they repeal it? Did they still feel that this act gave the Prez too much power? No, no, it was no longer an issue.
Those who covet power only get upset when the other guy has the power. Dems don’t like power grabs when it’s the Republicans doing the grabbing. Republicans don’t like power grabs when it’s the Dems doing the grabbing. The real problem is all of that power is coming from you and me. It belongs to us, not them.
We call that power our freedoms, or rights, and they are quickly becoming endangered species.
With both the Republicans and the Democrats grabbing as much power as they can, while never relinquishing any of their ill-gotten gains, it is “we the people” who suffer.
We will suffer the consequences of the passage of Health Care Reform for the remainder of days that there exists a United States of America. As of now our once great nation lies in critical condition, on life support. Our nation's lifeblood is that unique belief that man has certain unalienable rights, granted by God, and that all power in the United States government resides in the people.
That lifeblood is now draining away before our eyes.